Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm back

Wow I have been gone for a long time now. I had run into a slump. My uncle passed away very unexpectedly and I was having a very hard time getting through it. I had pretty much stopped doing everything I loved. Slowly but surely I started getting back into things and am finding my happiness again. I have gotten a few more orders and getting the word out there about my etsy shop and facebook page. My latest working is a Minnie Mouse hat and diaper cover set. It is just adorable.
 I still need to add the white buttons to the pink areas for the polka dots. Then ship this sweet little set out to the owner. I found some cool groups on facebook that are all about crocheting and its opening my eyes to different kinds of crochet. I'm working on a graphghan for my 3 child who is in love with Mickey Mouse. I don't have very much done so far so I wont post a picture just yet but I will post my progress as I go. Its really cool. I'm working on figuring out the program to make my own graphs. For now I have to purchase the graphs I want to turn into blankets.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wow Its been a long time since i posted

I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted anything. Lots of stuff has been going on. I am trying to get my ENTIRE house organized and getting lots of stuff together for a yard sale come warmer weather. I found an awesome blog over the weekend with tons of organizing tips called A Bowl Full Of Lemons. Here is the link to her blog check it out. SS With having 4 kids and being a stay at home mom, I really need my life to be orgainized and be as simple as possible, especially with living in a 3 bedroom townhome.

I have a couple projects I want to get done to spruce it up and make it look cleaner than it probably is! I should probably list them ALL and check them off as we get them done. We have lots of ideas. I will be sure to post before and after pics of each project we get accomplished. So stay tuned.

Friday, January 18, 2013


I offered a cowl or scarf  to Kaine's Preschool teachers for Christmas this year from my shop. They looked and couldn't decide on one that they wanted said there were too many to choose from. They wanted a cowl but weren't sure of the color they wanted either so they said to surprise them. So I went and picked out some nuetral colors and decided to make up my own patter. I didn't write it down but it was very simple and easily remembered.

What you need:
 Size N crochet hook
Worsted weight yarn I used Vanna"s Choice Lion Brand
Yarn Needle

Experience: Beginner

Fhdc: Foundation half double crochet
Dc: Double crochet
hdc: Half double crochet


 Foundation half double crochet 115 and join to form circle to first stitch or Chain 116 and half double crochet in the second ch from hook. hdc across. Join to first stitch. (115 stitches)

Rnd 2: ch 2. dc in same st. dc in each st around. join to first dc (not the chain 2)
Rnd 3: ch 1. hdc in same st. hdc in each st around. join to first hdc.
Rnds 4-7:repeat rnds 2 and 3 with rnd 7 being hdc.
Finish off and weave in ends.

I hope you enjoy this pattern and find it easy to read. This is the first time I have written one out for other people to follow. Let me know if you get confused or have any questions.

Bunny Set

I haven't posted in a while. I have been so busy over the holidays. I have had a lot of order to fill and had surgery in the beginning of the year which set me back some. One of my orders was for a bunny hat and diaper cover. It was the cutest thing ever. The yarn was a little bit of a pain to work with since you couldn't see the stitches but it all worked out and it looks great. I made up the pattern as I went along and unfortunately didn't write it down. I could have offered it as a free pattern. I will however post pics of the set. I can't wait to see the lil baby girl wearing the set. I'm having trouble with adding pics. I will try again later.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Yummy Soft Pretzles

I have a recipe for the most amazing soft pretzles. I personally think that they are just as good as Annie Anne's!! I got this recipe from my parent's church cookbook that they made a few years ago. My family LOVES them. My oldest child ALWAYS asks me to make the "really big pretzles".
What you need for these awesome pretzles:
1 package active dry yeast
1/4 cup HOT water or milk
1 1/3 cup HOT water or milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
5 cups flour
baking soda
coarse salt
melted butter
Preheat oven to 475 degrees. Dissolve the yeast in the 1/4 c hot water or milk, add in the brown sugar and the rest of the hot water or milk and stir. Add in 1 cup of flour at a time. Stir in the first 2 cups, after adding the 3rd cup, I find it a little bit difficult to get it all incorporated with just stirring. I then add the last 2 cups of flour and knead it until it is all mixed together.

Let the dough sit for 5 minutes. While it is resting, get a pot out and for every 2 cups of water add 1 TBSP of baking soda. You only need enough water to cover the pretzles. Let this baking soda water come to a light boil and turn off the heat. 
Grab about a tennis ball or little smaller sized  chuck of dough and roll out with your hands in to a long snake. Twist into a pretzle and dip in the baking soda water for about 15 seconds. Put on baking tray and sprinkle with coarse salt. I make 2 trays of pretzles.
I also roll a long snake of dough and make little pretzle sticks.  Bake pretzles for 8 minutes or until golden brown. Either rub a stick of butter on the top of the pretzles or melt butter in a dish and spoon over the pretzles right after coming out of the oven. If you want cinnamon sugar pretzles, after putting butter on them, sprinkle with the cinnamon and sugar. (I do not have a picture of that kind). This is a fun treat to make with the kids. Mine LOVE to help me make these and they try to roll and twist their own pretzles.

Cowboy Hat, Boots and Diaper Cover

I had an order from my etsy shop this past week for a cowboy hat, boots and a diaper cover. My etsy shop can be found here: so check it out. The pattern for the hat and boots can be found here: 
This set is for 3-6 months. It is going out to Oklahoma. This is my second order from someone that I do not know personally, so I am very excited about that.
The pattern for the diaper cover can be found here:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Chocolate Chip Banana Cake

I was in a baking mood and have really been thinking a lot about banana bread and the box of yellow cake mix in my pantry. Well today I got creative and decided to make up my own lil recipe and see how it turned out. It came out WONDERFUL!! So I decided that I would put the recipe on my blog for all of you.

What you need:

1 box of yellow cake mix
5 really ripe bananas
1 egg
about 1/4 cup water. ( I did not measure, I just wanted to loosen up the batter a bit)
chocolate chips (I used mini, that is what I had on hand)
cool whip - optional
cinnamon - optional

Preheat oven to 350 and grease a 9x13 baking dish. Mix all ingedients together ( I just put the chocolate chips on top before I baked it). Pour batter in the greased baking dish and bake for 30-40 mins, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool.

 I had the first piece while it was still warm and put cool whip on top. The cake literally melted in my mouth. It is really really moist and tastes great. You could add a lil cinnamon to the batter too (which I forgot to do until after it was almost done baking. I hope you all enjoy it if you give it a try!